Essential Golf Cart Maintenance Tips

Sep. 15 2020 Blogs By Quality Golf Carts

Charge Your Batteries When Your Golf Cart Isn't In Use

The great thing about using electric golf carts is that you won’t have to worry about filling them up with gas; one less expense that you’ll have to deal with daily.

But when you use electric golf carts, you do need to make sure they’re charged up at all times. Once a golf cart’s battery dies, you’ll have to put it away and let it charge up before you can start using it again.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of charging your golf carts whenever they’re not in use. Doing this will ensure that you always have access to golf carts when you need them.

Check The Water Levels In Your Batteries Regularly 

In addition to charging your golf cart batteries up regularly, you also need to keep a close eye on the water levels in them. The lead plates in your batteries need to be completely submerged to work correctly.

If you check the water levels in your batteries and they’re not submerged, you’ll need to add water to bring them back up.

To do this, charge your batteries up all the way. Then, add distilled water, not tap water, directly to your batteries until the water levels sit about 1/2 inch above the lead plates in your batteries.

Depending on how often you take your golf carts out and use them, you may have to do this every month. Don’t forget to do it or you could encounter severe problems with your batteries.

Clean The Connections On Your Batteries 

While you’re checking the water levels in your batteries, go ahead and check the connections within your batteries as well. All the connections should be clean and tight.

You shouldn’t have any corrosion or dirt coating the connections within your golf cart batteries. If you do, create a solution using water and baking soda and clean them. It’ll help you maintain proper connections within your batteries so that they charge correctly.

Why Golf Cart Maintenance Is So Important 

When appropriately maintained, golf carts won’t need replacing for a long time. You can get more life out of your golf carts by making golf cart maintenance a part of your regular operation