Decisions, Decisions.. Right! We get lots of questions inquiring which one to choose during the process of purchasing! 

Gas vs. Electric solely depends on the application of which you will use the cart, the location of where you will mainly use the cart and whether you will have access to power to charge batteries on the Electric Cart. 

Many that live along the coast would prefer to have Gas powered carts, mainly so they will be able to continuously use the cart without the inconvenience of having to stop to re-charge the batteries. The Simplicity of owning a Gas cart is definitely a plus, because literally all you have to do is put gasoline in, and GO! Although the simplicity of owning a gas cart is a plus in some areas, in others Gas carts are not allowed. If you plan on traveling to Campgrounds and State parks, we recommend that you check the applicable rules and regulations for bringing your cart! Some Neighborhoods will not allow Gas Carts either, so again, we recommend that you check the rules and regulations for owning a cart before making the BIG Decision!

Electric carts are very common in many neighborhoods. Electric Carts use batteries and electric motors to function. The majority of Electric carts will be 36 volt or 48 volt. With Electric carts, you just have to keep an eye on the batteries, the water level in the batteries, and regularly charge the cart. From experience, I have noticed that one of the many reasons electric carts are popular, is because they are quieter, and do not let off the fuel fumes that gas has. Typically a Top Tier Battery will last anywhere from 3-5 years depending on how well you maintain your batteries, meaning : regularly charging, keeping an eye on the water level inside the battery and adding water as needed. 

Here are just a couple of the common misconceptions : 

Misconception #1: "A gas powered cart will be cheaper to maintain."

Many believe that just because gas powered carts do not have multiple batteries, that they are a lot cheaper to maintain. While it is very true that Electric Carts need to have their batteries replaced occasionally, the average cost of a set of Top Tier Batteries are in the range of $700-$800. They typically only need to be replaced every 3-5 years depending on how well they are maintained. The that same time frame, you may spend that much on repairs and maintenance for a gas powered cart. So to basically sum this up, the lifetime cost of both gas and electric carts is almost even! 

Misconception #2: "An Electric Cart will not have the same power traveling uphill that a gas cart has". 

Advances in battery power can give you the same uphill power as gas can. Also, the type of cart and the motor that it has plays a big part in this concept as well!